Rhythms of Nature Wellness
What is a Yoni Steam Ritual?
Also known as "vaginal steaming" or "v-steaming", yoni steaming is a holistic health practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to gently permeate her reproductive tissues. Yoni steaming is a powerful, ancient remedy that has been used for centuries by women worldwide. This gentle treatment provides effective support for a woman's reproductive tissues, and invites reconnection with the powerful, creative energy of a woman's body.

Respected by healers around the globe, yoni steaming has vast and varied benefits, including...
Significant reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.
Treatment of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.
Treatment of chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and works to maintain healthy odor.
Supports the body's intelligence to heal and tonify the reproductive tissues after giving birth.
Assists the body to heal from a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar.
Regulates irregular or absent menstrual cycles.
Prepares the body for conception.
Assists the body heal hemorrhoids.
Relieves menopause symptoms: dryness or pain.
Detoxification of the reproductive tissues and supporting organs.
Releases stored emotions.
Reconnection to the Earth and Ancient Women's Rhythm.
Acces to the divine feminine energy that gives rise to our vibrant radiance and creative potential.

A Sacred Place to Drop In.
Building your own sacred space in the form of an altar creates a powerful space for setting your intentions, dreaming, and yoni steaming.
An altar is a physical space where you intentionally cultivate beauty and a connection with the divine through objects, textures, smells, and sounds.
A beautiful way to honor the divine within and around you is to include in your altar items that represents the Earth through the four elements.
Fire is the element that represents the spark of manifestation, creativity, sexual energy, and strength. Incorporate fire by placing a candle and the color red in the South or lower right corner of your altar.
The Water element represents the female form and the nourishment of our desires. Incorporate a bowl of water, sea shells, and the color white in the upper left or West corner.
Knowledge, the power of the mind, and courage are held in the Air element. Incorporate air by placing feather, images of birds, and the smoke from incense in the upper right or East corner of your altar.
The Earth element is grounding, and holds divine feminine energy. Place stones, flowers, plants, crystals, and the color of yellow in the lower or North corner of your altar.
Once you have set your simple altar, it's time to prepare for your yoni steam ritual.
Once you are comfortably seated for your yoni steam, you are invited to go inward. You may either close your eyes, or allow your eyes to gaze in the direction of your altar.
Connect with the items you placed there, and allow to wash over you the sense that you have arrived. There is nowhere else to be.
Take a few deep breaths...
Any emotions, thoughts or feelings that do not serve you.
Bring your awareness to the warmth of the herbal steam rising up to the root of your body. With your feet planted firmly on the ground, imagine a powerful bright light beaming directly out of the top of your crown.
Sit up straight, and shine your heart to the sky. Feel your pelvis open wide as your heart shines upward.
Allow your hands to rest effortlessly in your lap. Relax your shoulders away from your ears, and release any tension you may have in your hands and feet. Bring your awareness to your tongue and allow it to drop from the roof of your mouth. If it feels right, turn up the corners of your mouth with a very slight smile.
Now turn your attention to your womb, knowing that held within is a powerful feminine energy that is the creative force behind manifestation - the ability to create life, build dreams, and envision a better world for all.
Envision that this space is bathed in a warm red glow of light, and that this light supports the release of anything stored there that no longer serves you and your life's purpose. Allow your yoni to blossom as you inhale, and melt as you exhale.
​As you allow the herbal steam to envelope your yoni and body with healing warmth for the next 20 - 30 minutes, you might choose to journal, candle gaze, or simply meditate. Sip herbal tea to stay hydrated. Know that what comes up physically and emotionally is ready to transform.
As you steam, you may feel compelled to write - as you will be tuning in directly to your source of feminine energy and creative potential. This is an opportunity to channel this energy toward serving you, your purpose and the planet. You might choose to write down your emotions, your goals or any affirmations related to what you are calling in:
To enhance your inner glow and brilliance, allow your eyes to gently gaze upon a candle flame as you sit still and meditate. Place a lit candle approximately three feet in front of you, and let your eyes softly flutter to half open and rest your focus on the burning flame. Continue breathing as you visualize the warm light cleansing and nourishing you.
If you choose to meditate, begin by simply focusing on each breath. Imagine that each breath brings with it a warm, bright light that you send to your yoni, allowing it to cleanse and heal. As you breath in, visualize your yoni being filled with joy, abundance and inspiration. As you breath out, imagine stored emotions and blockages being released from your body.
When you feel complete, begin to slowly deepen your breathing, and call your awareness back to your altar. Place your left hand on your womb, and your right hand on your heart. Share with yourself a sense of gratitude for giving yourself this time to heal and reconnect with your creative intelligence.
Now it is time to transition and begin to slowly deepen your breathing, and call your awareness back to your altar. Place your left hand on your womb and your right hand on your heart. Share with yourself a sense of gratitude for giving yourself this time to heal and reconnect with your inner-world.
Now it is time to slip into the cozy & warm massage table and lay underneath the infrared/red-light/UVA & UVB panel. The red-light will be focused on your womb space for 15 - 20 minutes.

Common Yoni Steaming Ritual Questions
Who should be yoni steaming?
Yoni steaming is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your body and reignite your vibrance. We encourage most women to try a yoni steam (aka. vaginal steam)! You are likely to see great benefit to this ancient remedy if you suffer from irregular or painful periods, infertility, uterine fibroids, perennial tears, bladder and yeast infections, vaginal or ovarian cysts, hemorrhoids or scarring from C-sections, hysterectomies and laparoscopies. Yoni steaming is also recommended even if you are not experiencing any of the above, as it is a great way to soothe and pamper yourself, and is known to relieve anxiety in women.
Is yoni steaming only for women?
Yoni steaming is for anyone with a vagina! If you have a vagina but do not identify as a woman, you are seen and welcomed here. If you have a vagina but not a womb, you are also able to receive amazing benefits of this practice (see the section on hysterectomy below). Yoni steaming is not recommended for people without a vagina. In fact, we advise against men — or those with a penis and testicles — doing any form of steaming, as sperm thrive in slightly lower temperature and are harmed by excess temperatures (FUN FACT: this is why the testicles hang outside the body).
Who else should NOT be yoni steaming?
First and most importantly, women who are pregnant, or think there is any possibility that they might be, should NOT do any type of yoni steam. Doing so may endanger the pregnancy, as many of the herbs used can alter hormone levels and can cause contractions of the uterus. For the same reason, it is also not recommended for women who have an Intrauterine Device (IUD). Women who have any type of internal infection (cervical, uterine or ovarian inflammation), or a fever, are encouraged not to steam until the symptoms have passed. Women also should not steam while menstruating or when open sores or blisters are present.
How often should I yoni steam?
Although we can offer guidance, there is no official prescription when it comes to the folk wisdom of yoni steaming. As part of an overall self care routine, we recommend you steam once during the week before your period begins (luteal phase), and once after your period ends (follicular phase). If you suffer from PMS, try yoni steaming 2-3 times within the week before menstruation to find relief from pain, bloating or exhaustion before your cycle and once it begins.
For fertility challenges, steam at least once per week for three months before intending to conceive. Steaming during ovulation will help to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious to support conception.
For postpartum recovery, wait at least one week and then steam up to three times per week for four weeks to facilitate healing and toning of the uterus and vagina. Please be sure there are no open wounds, and that you are no longer bleeding or passing lochia.
If you are menopausal or post-menopause, it will be helpful to steam at least four times per year (at the beginning of each season) for maintenance. Feel into what your body is calling for to determine the best yoni steam frequency for you.
When is the best time of the month to steam?
You can steam at any time of the month, as long as you are not menstruating. It is typically recommended that for treating menstrual pain, you do you at least two vaginal steams in the week leading up to your period. After doing so, you will likely see a change in the fluid you pass when your period begins. You may also steam once after your cycle ends, to clear out any excess materials.
What herbs are the best to steam with and why?
Mugwort: In addition to fighting infection through its antibiotic and anti-fungal properties, mugwort balances female hormones and stimulates the production of hormones that help to maintain uterine health as well as protect the uterus from things such as ulcers and tumors. Mugwort steam opens the pores, allowing the beneficial herbs to penetrate into the blood stream. In addition, mugwort helps to stimulate menstrual discharge and ease cramping.
Rosemary: An aromatic and antimicrobial herb, rosemary treats bacterial infection, speeds wound healing, inhibits yeast growth, and stimulates menstruation.
Lavender: One of the most relaxing herbs we have, lavender supports healing, and it also promotes menstrual flow.
Yarrow: Astringent, tonifying and cleansing, yarrow is great for regulating menstrual flow, treating ovarian cysts and supporting overall uterine health. It's warming effects helps to purify the blood.
Motherwort: Astringent, tonifying and cleansing, motherwort strengthens and relaxes uterine muscles, eases uterine cramping, and may help treat uterine fibroids. Motherwort stimulates uterine tone and blood flow.
Calendula: Aids in healing of scar tissue, vaginal tears, or hemorrhoids and supports lymphatic drainage.
Rose Petals: A relaxing, uplifting and astringent herb that is wonderful for pampering.
What should I expect after doing the steam?
During and immediately after your steaming ritual you will feel more relaxed, pampered, and connected….and maybe even a little turned on! You won't likely see any visible results right away, however, your menstrual cycle can and does change after doing a yoni steam.
Much of the discomfort you experience during menstruation is due to a build up of material in the uterine lining. Yoni steaming has the subtle but powerful ability to support the uterus to effectively cleanse and restore the lining with the support of the. Sometimes this means your next cycle will be very heavy, dark and thick, but after just a couple of months of regular yoni steaming, your next period will be much more light and pleasant.
I had discharge or bleeding after I yoni steamed. What does this mean?
If you have a lot of “induration” (stuck material) inside your uterus, you can probably feel that it really wants and needs to come out. In this case, the herbal steam may immediately help to loosen it. This could result in the uterine lining shedding, which would of course mean bleeding, even if it is not the usual time of the month. Don’t be alarmed, even if a lot of material comes out over the next few days.
I experienced cramps after yoni steaming. Why would this be?
If the lining of your uterine walls is indurated, there is likely a great deal of material left over from past cycles that needs to be released. With the support of the herbs, your uterus will begin to work hard to release the stuck material. Because your uterus contracts when it works, this could cause some discomfort in the short term, but there is no need to worry! Your future cycles should be more comfortable as a result.
Does yoni steaming really work?
There will always be those who doubt remedies that are not proven by modern science. However, yoni steaming is a remedy that has stood the test of time. For generations, women have shared their success stories among one another, and are only now beginning to share them with the world.
Yoni Steam Contraindications
Why isn't it recommended that women with an Intrauterine Device (IUD) do a yoni steam?
It is not recommended for women with any kind of IUD to steam because the medicinal properties of the herbs are intended to cause the uterus to contract and shed its lining. When an IUD is present, the risk is that this could cause the uterine tissue to shed or contract in such a way that it could dislodge, shift or expel the IUD. With that said, some women with IUDs have tried the Vibrant Souls Devi Steam and have reported great results, including reduced cramps during menstruation. However, Vibrant Souls does not advocate for steaming with an IUD, and doing so is at your own risk. You may want to talk to your local women's health care provider for his or her thoughts on this.
Why should a yoni steam not be done during menstruation?
During menstruation, the uterus is in its natural process of shedding and releasing. Because this is already an intense, downward moving energy, the added stimulation of a yoni steam may cause heavy bleeding and excess material to flow out. For this reason, it is best to yoni steam on the weeks in which the uterus is in its more restful state.
Why should a yoni steam not be done during pregnancy?
Yoni steams encourage the uterine lining to shed any excess build up each month. This is important to note because, in the case of pregnancy, the uterine lining is built up in order to create a nourishing haven for a fertilized egg and growing fetus. Therefore, anything that causes the uterus to contract and cleanse itself, such as a yoni steam, should be avoided so that the lining stays intact.
Isn't it contraindicated to steam if I have a bacterial infection (i.e. bladder infection, yeast infection,
or bacterial vaginosis)?
On one hand, some say it is contraindicated to steam with any kind of bacterial infection because, in
general, introducing heat and moisture to a bacterial infection is not the best way to treat it, and may make it worse.
On the other hand, if you are using antimicrobial (anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal) herbs like mugwort, rosemary, and lavender (in the formula I use) the properties of which are carried by the steam into the pores, then you may actually be effectively treating the infection by killing the microbes that cause it.
We have heard several testimonials from women who have experienced rapid and thorough relief from yeast infections, bladder infections and bacterial vaginosis using the my formula.
So while you want to monitor your symptoms carefully to ensure they are not worsening, the steam is worth a try if you are experiencing chronic symptoms.
My doctor told me not to try vaginal steaming. Why would this be?
Some Western medical doctors may be resistant to the idea of vaginal steaming. This is not because the treatment is dangerous or ineffective. It is simply because this is an ancient remedy that is not taught in medical schools, and there are no scientific studies to "prove" its effectiveness, and Western doctors often feel quite uncomfortable about it as a result.
However, the women who utilize this treatment understand that millennia of women's wisdom and testimonials are just as valid, if not more valuable, than a scientific study in a lab.
We recommend that you ask your doctor his or her reasons for the resistance to the treatment to better understand if the recommendation to not steam is specifically related to your unique body, or is a general statement about the practice itself. Most importantly, listen to your own intuition as your guide.
Specific Health Concerns
I am struggling with fertility challenges. Can yoni steaming help?
Yes! Yoni steaming has been seen by many women to support with fertility. There may be many reasons for fertility challenges, but one of those reasons is induration (build up of material) on the uterine wall.
Yoni steaming helps to loosen that material and allow it to release through menstruation, making space for the fertilized egg to successfully attach itself. We recommend combining yoni steaming with Maya Abdominal Massage– the deep external massage on the uterus — for a dynamic approach that has brought many women success.
If you are experiencing fertility challenges, we recommend steaming once per week, and then twice during pre-ovulation, to clear your womb and make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious.
Steam for 2-3 months before you resume your intention to conceive. Do not try to conceive during your yoni steaming months, as the cleansing action may prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall. After you resume trying to conceive, you will hopefully have successful conception within one to three cycles. Also, see next question.
Do you recommend any other resources for overcoming fertility challenges?
If you are experiencing difficulty conceiving a child, you are not alone. And, there is HOPE. With just a few weeks of cleansing and nourishing, you can reset your reproductive system and fortify your womb in preparation to nourish your growing baby.
To support you on your journey, Kristina Lia Hansen, LMBT, Yoga Teacher, & Ayurveda Wellness Coach and founder of Rhythms of Nature Wellness, has created "A Woman's Rhythm", a comprehensive journey to cultivate ojas, prana, chi or vitality for conception.
For women beyond child bearing years, "A Woman's Rhythm", is a lovely way to support you through any loss in life, any life altering transitions, feeling lost and need to come back home again in your body.
I’m starting the IVF process soon — when should I stop steaming?
Yoni steaming for a few months prior to IVF is a wonderful way to clear and prepare your womb for successful conception and a healthy conception. You should stop steaming about two cycles before your IVF process begins, in order to ensure that your uterus is no longer shedding excess lining once the process is underway.
How long after birth should I wait to steam?
We recommend waiting until you are no longer bleeding before doing a yoni steam. Spotting, with dark colored blood, is okay. Obviously, in cases of extreme bleeding or hemorrhaging, a yoni steam would be contraindicated. There is not a point at which it is too late, as you will receive the benefits any time you decide to steam.
Women who choose to do their first steam 4 or more months after giving birth often report getting their first cycle, even while still breastfeeding.
I have a uterine fibroid. How can vaginal steaming help me?
Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that develop from the smooth muscular tissue of the uterus. A vaginal steam may support this issue in that the medicinal properties of the herbs would help the uterus to shed the excess/non-essential tissue or cells, in this case the tumorous ones.
The formula I use contains Motherwort because this plant is thought to be especially useful for treating fibroids and polyps. The blend also contains calendula and pink rose petals, which serve to cleanse and nourish your healthy uterine tissue.
The catch is, you should not steam while you are bleeding, especially while bleeding heavily, as is often the case with uterine fibroids. When you are not bleeding, you may try a vaginal steam to gently but effectively encourage the uterus to take care of itself.
Start by steaming twice per week, on the weeks that you are not menstruating, for 3-4 months to see if there is a shift.
How is vaginal steaming beneficial for women pre- or post menopause?
Yoni steaming aka vaginal steaming is a wonderful treatment for pre and post menopausal women, as it may help shed excess uterine material as well as keep you connected to your powerful creative center.
Whether it's used for cycling or menopausal women, the steam contains herbs that are specifically indicated to help cleanse the entire reproductive system and purge anything that is built up inside the uterus.
My teacher of Maya medicine, Rosita Arvigo states that women who have gone through menopause should still steam at least three times per year, and that likely, material will come out every time. In addition, many have shared that steaming has helped with post-menopausal vaginal dryness, internal discomfort, and pain during intercourse.
I've had a partial or total hysterectomy. Are there any benefits of vaginal steaming for me?
Yoni steaming is great for all aspects of female health, so it can definitely still be beneficial for you! Although all or part of the physical uterus may have been removed, the energetic center remains and can benefit from the warmth and clearing. Steaming is also great for increasing circulation, eliminating odor and eliminating bacterial infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis and Trichomoniasis (according to the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism).
Of course it is also a wonderful way to relax and pamper yourself, which is always a lovely benefit.
Does yoni steaming increase sex drive?
Yes, yoni steaming can definitely increase sex drive! On an emotional level, yoni steaming supports us to cultivate a profound sense of self-love and increases our self-confidence (especially as it relates to our yonis!), which has great implications for a woman's sex life.
On the physical level, yoni steaming increases circulation and increases lubrication, which is clearly great for the libido and sex life as well. In fact, the very act of steaming is slightly arousing, which helps us get turned on!
Can I use essential oils instead of herbs?
NO!!!. Please do not use essential oils, as they are far too strong for this purpose, having the potential to cause damage. Only use fresh or dry herbs. I offer them for sale in my office or you can order the herbs individually from Mountain Rose Herbs (my source), and blend the formula yourself.